central library

Encourage and promote the systematic acquisition organization and dissemination of knowledge.
Organize the collection to provide prompt efficient services to the users
Co-ordinate the activities, cooperation and assistance among departmental libraries
Act as a center of information in all departments.
Digital Library
Book Section
book bank scheme
SNSCN Central Library maintains a book bank scheme mainly of undergraduate level text books to help students. This scheme runs on the premise that each student should posses at least one text book for each subject throughout his/her 4 years of study. Procuring these books from the distributors is an arduous and expensive proposition and also some editions are not available in the market. Book bank scheme is devised to overcome this problem. Each and every student is benefited through this facility. The library issues a circular in the beginning of every semester and all the students may avail the benefit as per the schedule announced by therein.
Principal, HODs and faculty members recommend the best books that cover the entire syllabus of the subject as per Anna University. These books are purchased and accessioned in the central library and issued to each student (one set) through concerned department for a period of one semester. At the end of the semester the student has to return all the books and then books of the next semester are issued on the 1st day of the semester.
Every academic year, up to the month of July, applications in prescribed form are invited from the students admitted in SNSCN. The collected application forms are verified and then in the first week of August a schedule of distribution for each class is made. The students are expected to return the books issued to them immediately after the end of their semester examination.
If any damage found in the book at the returning time the student will be penalized as per library norms. This amount is collected and then spent for binding of used books and purchase of new copies. Because of this policy the books are preserved and increased every year.
Central Library
Timings and membership
LIBRARY services


Dr. Shynee Martin
Year of Experiences: 28+ years

Mr. N. Sundararaj
Year of Experiences: 9+ years

Mrs. P. Kanaga
Year of Experiences: 5+ years