internal Quality Assurance cell
IQAC looks after the academic and administrative functioning of the institution and is accepted as the umbrella council for planning, execution and implementation of quality programmes. The alignment of internal quality assurance mechanisms with the requirements of the relevant external quality assurance agencies/ regulatory authorities is achieved through the implementation of the perspective plan.
Overall responsibility
- To conduct the perspective plan meeting at the beginning of year.
- Prime agenda of the meeting would be review based planning of academic policies for the sustainable growth of the College
- To develop a monitoring system for quality assurance of the policies
- To prepare a detailed Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) at the end of he academic year and submit the same to Governing Body/N
The objectives of the IQAC are,
- To develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic action to improve the academic and administrative performance of the University.
- To promote measures for the institutional functioning towards quality enhancement through internalization of quality culture and institutionalization of best practices.
- Tutorials
- Assignments
- Seminars
- Add on content-Theory & Lab
- Remedial classes
- Make up tests
- Collection of teaching outcome feedback (course assessment) from students at the end of the semester.
- Collection of exit feedback from final year students at the end of the academic year.
To help the Principal Office in the preparation of schedule of following meetings:
- Governing Body (once in a semester)
- College Academic Council (Once in a week/fortnight)
- To help the Principal Office (P.O) in constituting central committees for decentralization of work and effective functioning of the College.
- To help the P.O. in the preparation of guidelines and schedule of periodic meetings of these Committees
- To help the P.O. in the process of record maintenance and documentation (nomenclature of Departmental and central files)
- To coordinate the activity of budget allocation based on the requirement of the Departments
- To prepare the Activity calendar of the college based on the individual plans submitted by Departments/various forums
- To coordinate the flow of information to the website administrator from various forums/Departments before and after the activities/achievements
- To coordinate the process of preparation and submission of Activity Record files by various authorities/bodies/clubs after the activity
- To coordinate the process of audio-visual recording of all the major activities and submission of the hard copy and CD at the central library
- To help the P.O. in periodic review of policy book of the College
- To collect all the files/documents from all the Departments/P.O. at the end of the academic year
- To give periodic inputs to website in-charge/administrator regarding updating of information
- To discuss innovative concepts and ways of execution with coordinators of various forums
- To help the P.O.in the preparation of schedule of stock verification of various laboratories/Library at the end of the year.